Monday, February 20, 2006

Kelly Renea's Books

Just saw my cover! Pretty hot!
Check it out!!!!!!!!
Kelly Renea
click Coming Soon

Thursday, February 16, 2006

The Book Writer's Disease or BWD

Hello! I have been running into a problem with my writing...not having enough will-power to put the butt time into it that the writing requires! I have a wondering mind and too little self-control. Anyone else every fall victim to this malady? smile!
Kelly Renea

Friday, February 10, 2006

Kelly Renea's Books

Well, I think me and hubby have decided that we will give the kid three names plus his last. Unfortunately, we can't agree on anything - him because he hates everything I suggest, me because he makes no suggestions that I can either disagree with or agree with. It all sucks! Probably just name his baby boy or baby girl!! Hehe. Another name I have thrown out to consider is Devin. What is everyone's opinion on that?

Tuesday, February 07, 2006

What's in a name? (Hahaha)

Was wondering what everyone's opinion was on the name I am considering for my little baby to come. Now if the baby turns out to be a girl - we are jut SOL because we only have one name we kinda like and that's all. It is Sophia. Now, if it is a boy we are going to name him after my husband and my dad but we also wanted to give him his own name to go by. What is everyone's opinion about giving a kid more than the regular two names plus surname? Well, anyways, the three we are considering are: Connor, Shane, and Trevor. Which do yall like the best?
And if we go with this the kid's name will be either:
Connor Christopher Gary
Shane Christopher Gary or
Trevor Christopher Gary

Is this just too much of a mouthful? Will the kid hate us later for this? Or will he be glad that he had a name to go by instead of his father's name Christopher or his grandfather's name Gary???
Now I will stop babbling.
Kelly Renea

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Kelly Renea's Books

I was wondering everyone's opinions on allowing one's evil character, villian, to have social errors: farting, burping, etc.???
Just curious...
Kelly Renea